In spite of the high sophistication of traditional medicine it is also capable of living of the people. It is, of course, if any of the disease, it is necessary to go to a doctor and get a full course of treatment, but there are diseases to cure, that is forever impossible. Osteocondrose refers to one of them. Alternative medicine-in this case, it helps to combat the unpleasant symptoms, it stretches for a sure write-off.

The possibilities of estimation methods
What can you give us a "recipe of the grandmother"? It's amazing, but too much in the first place, this refers to the ability to overcome the pain. In the past, to our ancestors, they just did not like it when an attack of pain in the posts of a surprise, the bites of snakes, bees, and more. It is, of course, today's methods of treatment, no one uses it. However, it is sometimes impossible to imagine the quantity of products around us is the effect of the medical!
The main benefit of the people, the methods of treatment and the absence of side-effects. Synthetic drugs are a boast not in spite of leaving her parents is not possible, because the treatment must be complex.
For osteocondrose didn't know about it constantly, and it didn't affect the quality of life, and the fight they have to constantly;
- waking up early, feeding the appropriate;
- regular physical exercise;
- the purchase of the medication prescribed to you by your doctor strictly to give you all the instructions.
- in addition to treatment of popular methods.
- a holiday in orthopedic products.
It does not matter what the tool is for the house that you are currently using, and they are required to be consistent with your medical professional. In spite of the fact that there is no impact, there is no indications and contra-indications and side-effects.
How to cure a osteocondrose in the house
In the arsenal of folk medicine, in many of the methods of explaining and talking points for a variety of ailments. In the case of osteochondrosis helpful to use compresses, lotions, soups and stews and in herbal tea, the preparation of each of the one just below it.
When osteocondrose all that are needed, and they have a variety of effects: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, edema. Licensed and ostrom period of the disease, the length of time during which it is in 2 weeks. Please Note, at this point they are not recommended for all, with the warming effect, due to the fact that they are hindering the work of the cardiovascular system.
In the mix, in a three-milk, camphor oil, ½ a cup of warm water, one hundred milliliters of alcohol, twenty drops of iodine. The mix is ready, apply the mixture on the gauze, attach it to the ailing sector at three o'clock. Similar to the compress improves the circulation of the blood.
With burdock
Tear off the leaves of the fresh plant, wash them in water, pour over the boiling water. After they are slightly cool, spread about forty minutes to the areas of inflammation. To reduce the starting point of the pain syndrome, it is recommended to perform the procedure on a daily basis.
The gauze of love and apples
And, on a sheet of paper, and the roots of love, as a part of the oil thereof, has the effect of heating. The composition of apple, acidic, organic, allow you to relieve the pain and the inflammation. In order to prepare a compress, take an apple, and a root of horseradish, finely chop in the crumbs, the mix, and then remove the excess of liquid oxygen. Leave the mixture on a lint-free cloth, apply it to the patient in order to place it in 4 hours. The relief after the first procedure.
The sweet potatoes and the honey
Clean a potato, rub it on a grater, in a ratio of 1:1 and mix it with the honey. Ready, mash it with a thin layer that is distributed to all the patients in the industry. For your convenience, use the top plastic wrap and a warm towel. Leave it for a couple of hours.
How to get rid of degenerative disc disease in the home and with the help of apps. It affects reflexes to the point that it improves the circulation, clears away the pain and the inflammation.
Soap-kerosene fixtures
The paraffin (kerosene) has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect. Dampen a lint-free cloth, and on it, press it, on the outside, grate, economical soap that prompts the evaporation of the jet fuel (kerosene). Secure the fabric in a couple of hours in the dark, cool movie, and a towel. Just a few minutes, as if you can feel a slight burning sensation, and warmth, but it's going to go.
Honey with aloe vera
Apitherapy is needed at home for the treatment of degenerative disc disease. The mix in one hundred grams of vodka, one hundred grams of honey, fifty grams of the flour of the leaves of the aloe vera. I insist for five days in a dark place. Ready for the tool is to apply a napkin and then place the patient in the place, two times a day.
Garlic and apply
To get rid of the pain in a very short space of time, so you can take advantage of a simple recipe: rub the five cloves of garlic on a fine grater, then apply the liquid resulting from the patient in order to place it in five minutes. Garlic-peel, and the area of the display and gently rub it on the horse, or badger fat, clear, warm and wrapped up in a couple of hours.
The appliques, of rye flour
Quick tool to deal with the pain and the inflammation. In the mix to form a dough of rye flour and water, then place the dough in a warm place for a couple of hours, you should get a vinegar smell. Fold in half to consider, I think, is a thick layer of the mass, all applied to the patient in the local area. Leave it overnight, the pre-closing the wool scarf.
The natural components are included in the application have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, increase the flow of blood to the problem from place to place.
By the rubbing, and the ointment
The outdoor media are used for the explaining and talking points for the degenerative disc disease, in contrast to a shower, to cook simple and does not require large financial costs. The frequent components that are used in the recipes, there is a home for them in the hall turpentine, medicinal plants. The process of crushing, reminiscent of a massage.
A particularly efficacious ointment prepared from the following recipes:
- An ointment with a squeeze of lemon. Squeeze in the juice of a lemon, add the same amount of iodine and stir. Generic Levitra is rubbing effective, not only in the osteocondrose, but it is when the joints of the disease
- The paste with the sage and plantain. In the mix, and a half cup of olive oil, olive oil, and forty grams of petroleum jelly, and a couple of tablespoons of the crushed leaves of the plantain and sage. Stir the resulting mixture, light, massage movements and RUB on the skin before going to bed.
- The bay leaf and the juniper. A tablespoon or so of juniper, mix together 6 tablespoons of the soup in bay leaf, then add one hundred grams of the melted butter. The paste should be smooth, RUB it to the treatment of the space, two times a day.
The regular application of the ointments to help you to be able to get a good result in the treatment.
Infusions and decoctions
Think about how to heal a osteocondrose in-house, quickly, the patient will certainly suggest the usage of the tools inside. They are quite effective, they quickly cut down the pain and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, and improves the body's metabolism, and thus contribute to a faster recovery.
The tincture of cinquefoil
The drug is other than a pronounced analgesic effect. To prepare a tincture is simple: two hundred grams of ground plant in the mix with one hundred grams of the root of a galangal, fill a liter of vodka and let it sit for a couple weeks. The filtered medicine to take three times a day with a spoonful of the soup. For the duration of the treatment is in a month's time.
The Cranberry color
An effective hair-of-lingon, with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. A glass of warm water, pour in a tablespoon of cranberry leaves, insist 10 minutes. A drink comes with the medicine, with ½ a cup before meals in the morning and in the evening.
As a sedative tea
This is a very good remedy against tension in the muscles and along the nerve endings. To a pint of boiling water, pour in a teaspoon of yarrow, two tablespoons of mint, licorice, and calendula. The pre-tea infundido12 hours. The filtered solution is taken three times a day for 1/3 cup.
Therapy bath
Medicinal herbs, in addition to baths, to foster the exchange of substances, the relaxation of the muscles to improve the state of the intervertebral disc structures.
To prepare, it is recommended to take:
- To a pint of boiling water, brew the birch leaves, and insist for 15 minutes. Prepare a water bath, pour in the solution, which will come in about 20 minutes.
- Stop the pain caused in the help, tree of india. Chop it up, pour it in a pint of water, and the torment over a slow fire for about twenty minutes. Take a swim with filtered, with a mortar for twenty minutes.
- Cover with boiling water and pine needles, keep half an hour under the hood, and then the soup, then add into a bath.
- Three teaspoons of the flowers of chamomile pour a liter of boiling water, insist 15 minutes. Strain, pour into a tub and then take up to 20 minutes.
Taking a bath is recommended before going to bed, when you're not in a hurry, and you sit back and relax.
The use of massage
In the process of the massage, happens the effect on the muscles of the vertebral column. The classical technique is used with liquid oxygen from the honey. Pre-heat it slightly, apply on the wound stage. Place the palm of the hand, and raised it slowly up, and, as well, until you don't see it in the hands of the emergence of the white paper). There are more than a few procedures to help ease the pain.
At home, you can do self-massage, moving from the top to the bottom. Even your spine, a massage is not recommended. For each take five minutes to complete.
Therapeutic exercise
How is it possible, explaining and talking points for the osteocondrose exercises? Gym warns of further destruction of bone and cartilage tissue, improves mobility of the spine, it speeds up the process of recovery and regeneration.
When the osteocondrose it is advisable to pay attention to the following exercises in the gym:
- Lie down on your back, place your right hand on your belly, on the left side of the chest. Rose slowly inhale and exhale. Enough for up to five minutes of exercise in the morning and in the evening.
- Lie down on your stomach, and your legs extended. The head and the upper part of the chest, lift up the foot rest on the floor, stay in this position for twenty seconds. Repeat this exercise up to 5 times a day, each time for five minutes.
- Lie down on your back with your legs bent at the neck, the foot stuck on the floor, your back is straight. Just follow the moves the first on the left-hand side to the right side.
Exercises for the treatment of breast-feeding, degenerative disc disease, other:
- Lie down on your stomach, with your hands firmly on the ground. Grew slowly, doubling back, stopping for about 15 seconds.
- Lie down on your back, legs, and head, and get up, you get a stack trace as if on a boat. Remain in the pose for a few minutes.
The selection of a group of exercises that you should engage in, the doctor individually for each patient. It is sensitive to the age of the patient, the stage of the disease, and the presence of a put on with a representative of the disease.
Proper nutrition
Osteocondrose is a condition in which start the changes in your system, muscle is the engine wet. For the treatment as it is not enough only to the drug and the. In addition to this, it is important to eat properly. First of all, we exclude from the alcohol, tobacco, coffee, cocoa, strong tea, and etc. It is forbidden to eat, sharp, fat, flour, and salt.
The diet should be animal protein, which can be of milk and milk products, lean meat, and fish. They are very useful, especially for jelly products in your make-up collagen, which is essential for cartilage and bone tissue.
In the period of remission, it is extremely important for to get it with water, so drink at least two litres of pure water per day. Do not forget to physical exercise.
Orthopedic treatment
The only time that our spine can rest and relax in it at night. And no, this did not stop her, in the place of sleeping should be arranged properly. First of all, it is recommended that the use of the products, orthopedic cushions, mattresses, corsets, braces,. It is useful to the collar of the Trench, which increases the distance between the vertebrates in the discs, thus relieving pain.
The pillows and mattress, it is recommended to buy it in the specialty stores. Pre-be sure to check with your doctor, it will help you to determine whether a high-rise building resting on the water hardness, the same can be said about this hotel.
For many people, the treatment of degenerative disc disease is associated with something unpleasant. It sounds like you have what you need, delicious soups, drug, carried out the unpleasant procedure. And you just know that a few sessions may be all that pleasant, and, at the same time to be useful. What would be the best walk, it's hot and full of steam?
In Russia, the steam went out at least once a week. However, for the point of explaining and talking about the illness, the number of walks can be increased.
Prior to the campaign, you should familiarize yourself with some of the rules:
- To reduce the pain during the osteocondrose to go to the bathroom at least three times a week. The opportunities for trekking, may be for the day.
- During an acute attack, to be at the inside hot to be dangerous. The little hot.
- The muscle tissue is relaxed, take three, put it in a five-minute drive.
- After the steam rooms, where the blockages are grease and that of the bee, the honey, and hide behind something that's hot.
- On an empty stomach, after a hearty dinner, in the steam room is not comfortable. By the time, you should eat something light, for half an hour, a drink is a glass of water.
- It is forbidden to bring in alcoholic beverages.
Being in the sauna, do not lose time in vain. A useful little pat broom.
The Hardware techniques
How is it possible, explaining and talking points for the osteocondrose in the house? The pharmaceutical industry has always come up with something new. And if it's before the treatment at home has been limited to the purchase of the drug, which can be special units. For problem areas, devices will switch to vibrate or pulse.
To improve the mobility and to forget about the pain and discomfort, which is built-in help for the treatment of degenerative disc disease. Do not neglect the advice of the doctors, please follow those recommendations, and then all of a osteocondrose be able to forget for a very long time.